Full length films

2nd assistant camera.
Dir. by Emily Kai Bock.
Cinematography by Evan Prosofsky.
Coming out in the end of next year.
Production Company: Allfilm

Pikad paberid
Dir. by Meel Paliale.
"See on film noortest, kes ei tea, mida oma eluga teha," ütles filmi režissöör Meel Paliale. Stsenaariumi dialoogid ja tegelased põhinevad paljuski päriselt toimunud olukordadel ja inimestel. "Kui eelmine film toimus justkui paralleeluniversumis, siis nüüd tahtsime jutustada loo, mis jäädvustaks noorte elu ja mõtteid tänasel päeval võimalikult realistlikult," lisas Urmet Piiling.
Filmis astuvad üles Mihkel Kuusk, Karl Birnbaum, Edgar Vunsh, Maria Helena Seppik ja paljud teised. Filmi režissöör on Meel Paliale, stsenaariumi autorid Meel Paliale ja Urmet Piiling, operaator on Markus Mikk ("Kiik, kirves ja igavese armastuse puu"), kunstnik Jasmin Kulagina ning produtsendid Urmet Piiling, Rain Rannu ja Tõnu Hiielaid.
The source: ERR.EE
Coming out in the end of next year.
Production Company: Talifornia
On silver heels
Assistant Editor.
Dir. by Margus Ōunapuu, Anastasia Zazhitskaya.
On Silver Heels is a documentary film following the creation of the Estonian women’s national ice hockey team and their struggles to get to the top. The documentary is supported by the Estonian Film Institute and Cultural Endowment of Estonia. The story began when ice hockey was not popular in Estonia, a small Northern European country. Will the experiment work out - what if ice hockey is popularised through a women’s team and not a men’s team like in all other countries?
The film is yet to be released.
Production Company: Vita Pictura